Monday, October 27, 2008

7 reasons other girls want to #### my skis!


I just got my new Fat-ypus** Emotion skis. And they are the bomb. In fact, they are so much the bomb, that all the other girls wanna #### them. Know why? (***)

  1. They always look good and match whatever I'm wearing
  2. My skis are a great listener and never try to "fix" my problems
  3. They're ballsy
  4. The don't leave the seat up - well, okay, of course they don't
  5. The Fat-ypus Emotion's are long - really long - 174cm, to be exact
  6. They're wide - because we all know that's what really counts
  7. They've got a perma-stiffy - it's going to take all my womanly strength to ride the hell outta them!

* This pic is taken from the Fat-ypus website. I really have the skis, I just can't find the cord that connects my camera to my computer.
** I have no affiliation with the Fat-ypus company (although it would be really cool if I did...)
*** #### means "ride", you perves!

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