I am a notorious list-writer. I have a day planner where I write down everything I need to do, and have sometimes been known to write down things I've already completed just for the joy of crossing them off!
I make lists for groceries, meals for the week, things-to-do, and now that I come up to Whistler every weekend, I write a list of things to bring with me. The funny thing is that the lists look pretty similar from week to week, but I always throw them away, and it seems like a waste of paper. And every time I've tried a digital organizer, it ends up crashing and I lose everything. Plus it's just so fun to cross off those done items. Have I mentioned I'm extremely goal-oriented and love to complete things?
So I'm not sure how to reduce paper, while still having something to cross off the list. Plus, since I make a new list each time, there's always something I forget. I've started using a spreadsheet for meals, but I wonder what I could use for everything else? Is anyone else a fanatical list-maker like I am?
*raises hand* me me! I LOVE writing lists :) I write things down after I've done them too *blush*... because I use Outlook as my email client at work, I use the task list there, then on my home page I can see my calendar for the week and my task list for the day :) I HATE when a task turns red lol... you're not alone.
PS - Tagged you in a meme the other day... visit my blog to see. Stupid blogger without trackbacks :(
Ha ha... I'm glad there's other crazed list-makers out there!
(I'm heading to Whistler again this weekend. And I'm writing another list that probably looks almost identical to the list from the week before and the week before that... *sigh*)
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