Monday, October 27, 2008

7 reasons other girls want to #### my skis!


I just got my new Fat-ypus** Emotion skis. And they are the bomb. In fact, they are so much the bomb, that all the other girls wanna #### them. Know why? (***)

  1. They always look good and match whatever I'm wearing
  2. My skis are a great listener and never try to "fix" my problems
  3. They're ballsy
  4. The don't leave the seat up - well, okay, of course they don't
  5. The Fat-ypus Emotion's are long - really long - 174cm, to be exact
  6. They're wide - because we all know that's what really counts
  7. They've got a perma-stiffy - it's going to take all my womanly strength to ride the hell outta them!

* This pic is taken from the Fat-ypus website. I really have the skis, I just can't find the cord that connects my camera to my computer.
** I have no affiliation with the Fat-ypus company (although it would be really cool if I did...)
*** #### means "ride", you perves!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Writing lists of lists

I am a notorious list-writer. I have a day planner where I write down everything I need to do, and have sometimes been known to write down things I've already completed just for the joy of crossing them off!

I make lists for groceries, meals for the week, things-to-do, and now that I come up to Whistler every weekend, I write a list of things to bring with me. The funny thing is that the lists look pretty similar from week to week, but I always throw them away, and it seems like a waste of paper. And every time I've tried a digital organizer, it ends up crashing and I lose everything. Plus it's just so fun to cross off those done items. Have I mentioned I'm extremely goal-oriented and love to complete things?

So I'm not sure how to reduce paper, while still having something to cross off the list. Plus, since I make a new list each time, there's always something I forget. I've started using a spreadsheet for meals, but I wonder what I could use for everything else? Is anyone else a fanatical list-maker like I am?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Keeping in touch...

It seems like there's so many ways to keep in touch with people. There's my cell phone, and home phone (both of which have voice mail), email, LinkedIn, and Facebook (and lots of other online tools that I don't even bother to use). But even with all these things, or perhaps because of them, I never seem to have enough time to reach out to all the important people in my life.

By the time I get home from work, I usually have some activity going on, or just want to fit in a bike around the seawall. And by the time all that is over, it is waaaay to late to call all you wonderful people on the East Coast. And the weekends seem to fly by too...

I like to make sure I have a good chunk of time when I make phone calls, because we talk so rarely. And group emails seem so impersonal, but sending individual ones requires a whole evening! Any suggestions about how to keep in touch with my very important peeps?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why does skiing require so much gear?

I'd like to do some more off-piste skiing this year (nothing too crazy, so don't worry Mom!) and I also want to be safe, which means having the right gear. I already have a beacon and shovel, but that's not near enough stuff (and I also don't have a bag to put the shovel in...). So I went to the other day and ordered the following stuff:

  • Marker Baron Ski Bindings, small (who knew I had small feet?) to go on the new Fat-ypus skis
  • Alpinist elle Climbing Skins, Women's medium (so pretty!)
  • Black Diamond QuickDraw (sounds like it's from a wild west movie) Guide Probe 300, burnt orange
  • Gregory Targhee Backpack, orange (to match the probe, of course. And no, I've never heard of this company either, but it looks like a great bag! And yes, that's a picture of the bag up top)

And that's it. I know there's more stuff I could have ordered, like a rope and crampons, but I think I'm off to a good start! I'll let you know how the new gear works out once I get a chance to try it all out (come on Whistler opening day, Nov. 27... hurry up and get here!). And I'm also going to have to practice putting the skins on and off, so I'll share that whole sticky mess as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Let's get ready to ski!

So I've ordered new skis (aren't they pretty?) from Fat-ypus (also *borrowed* the picture from the site). The skis are called E-motion and according to the website, they are:
"Used by our female team athletes on the World Freeskiing tour, it handles the most aggressive style of skiing without a problem, yet it's lightweight and with enough sidecut that it is easy to turn and even your intermediate skier will love it".

Sounds like fun!!

My past skis have included Rossignol Saphire's, Head Monster's, and most recently my bf's old Rossignol B3's with new bindings. Everytime I get a new pair, I think they are the best skis ever. When I had the Saphires, I was on the highschool racing team and thought they were great for going fast and whipping around gates.

Then I moved to Sun Peaks, where I worked as a ski instructor. I decided that I wanted to take my CSIA level II and someone suggested it might be time to get some new skis. So I tested out a whole bunch until bam! The Monsters! They were so awesum and I was so excited and happy with them (and I passed my level II!!)

Last year, I took over the B3's. The first time I wore them, I had talked the whole gondola ride up about how much I love skiing, how I worked as a ski instructor, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, two guys from the gondola decided to join me. I put on the skis, pushed off, took the first turn... and crashed into a family of eight standing at the top of the hill. Seriously, we're talking bowling pins. But after that embarassing start to the season, I fell in love with my new fat, long skis, and they quickly replaced the Monsters.

And now? Is it good-bye B3's? Stay tuned... I'll let you know at the end of November (Whistler opens Nov. 27th!!)